Interview with Ayushi Singh

Interview with  Ayushi Singh
Interview with  Ayushi Singh
Interview with  Ayushi Singh

1) Tell our readers about yourself?

Hey guys! My name is Ayushi. I’m a graduate, a CA final student and a food blogger as well. I’m an extreme book lover and I love to write too. My interest for eating variety of food was ever since I was a kid. Gradually, my interest got into clicking pictures of food and I filled my personal profile highlights with all sorts of food then one day after I came back from my Pune trip I decided that now is the time to showcase my skills to the right audience and hence @twistingthetaste came into existence. I love travelling too and love exploring different cuisines and culture. Also I love meeting new people and can start a conversation just like that. ;)


2) How did you come up with the name for your Instagram account?

Twistingthetaste was such an instant username that I remember it was around 2 am on June 28, 2019 that I thought of posting my first picture and quickly I had to put up a good username. Twistingthetaste just clicked and within a nanosecond I decided to go on with it.

3) What is the best thing about being an influencer?
Best thing about being an influencer is the opportunity to connect with a lot of people not only from my city but other states as well as other countries too. I’m grateful for the people that I got to know through blogging and my followers who keep on motivating me for my work. Also when my work gets recognized by some famous people it gives me utter happiness. I love the fact that people even my friends call me by my username. 

4) What is the best collaboration experience that you have done with a brand? (answer only if you work for any brand.)

The best collaboration experience I would say was with Lays. They sent me a customized pack with my smile imprinted on it. It was a fun collab as I enjoyed a lot clicking pictures for it.

5) How many hours a day do you work and hows your daily schedule?
Since I’m a student most of the time is invested in studying. But when I go for a restaurant review it almost takes a full day which includes editing pictures, writing review, posting stories etc. As I’m studying I follow a routine in which I have a designated portion of time to post on all my social media accounts. Also, before I sleep I keep my content ready for the next day so that it take less time. It’s all about planning your things well.


6) Is the influencer profession affected your family life? if yes then how?
Definitely it did but in a very good way. I’m the food guide of my family as well as my friends. Also I’m blessed with wonderful parents as they are very supportive and believe in my passion and interests. My mom is helping me a lot in creating content at home ever since lockdown.

7) What motivates you in life?
My passion motivates me the most in my life. To be the best in my field and to channelize all my energies in that direction. If you put your heart and soul to what you really love you can really do wonders.

 8) What are your favorite books or movies related to your niche?
I read alot of books but still my favorite books will be The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho and Mind Platter by Najwa Zebian. Not a movie person at all.


9) What surprising lessons have you learned while influencing?

We meet varieties of people here. Some who tries to extract everything out of you for their own gain and some who polishes and help you to upgrade your skills. Be wise and be aware. You decide your vibe. Be raw and be you. You’ll be appreciated when you show who you really are. Also it’s your journey and no one else’s so make decisions according to yourself without thinking of anyone else. Have faith in you and your content and never compare yourself with any other influencer. It’s your own journey and only you own it. Talking about the growth, I urge everyone to keep it organic and not fall for buying out. Even though the process is slow but it’s all natural. Promote your posts if you feel like but it will only give you likes or profile visits and nothing else.

10) Top 3 skills required to become a successful influencer.

Firstly you should be passionate about what you do and figure it out if this is really your passion or just because others are doing you will do it too. Secondly, patience i.e. a lot of patience. Nothing worthy comes easy so yeah. Thirdly, you should be consistent and believe in yourself and your content. If you aren’t sure about yourself how can the people be? 

11) Hows your experience with Amar Ajnalkar?
It was a wonderful experience with Amar Anjalkar. Never asked such questions to myself but he helped me to think deeper. 

12) Two lines for our reader

Be truthful to yourself first and honest in whatever you do in life. Be patient because good things take time. Always believe in yourself and keep yourself motivated. You are your only motivation. Lots of love. :)