Interview with Komal Bhargava

Interview with Komal Bhargava
Interview with Komal Bhargava

1) Tell our readers about yourself?

Hello Everyone this komal. I'm basically a blogger by profession who create content related to food on the same note I'm a student and pursuing M.COM as well.


2) How did you come up with the name for your Instagram account?

The idea of "thefoodiehat" came from one of my friend  as every one just tell me that your food preference was so accurate and everyone should follow. So this name give an responsibility to me to always guide  and tell  truth about the dishes and food places. Also to give a unique  name and personality which people doesn't heard off.

3) What is the best thing about being an influencer?

According to me, best thing is that i have got a great family and friends virtually because of blogging and the love and support they give help me to guide the society in a  good direction. 

4) What is the best collaboration experience that you have done with a brand? (answer only if you work for any brand.)

Recently in lockdown i collab with "mama earth" for there sanitizers. They give me around 25 sanitizers which i destribute to the people who need them, for example vegetable vendors, cleaning persons. This collab really makes me happy and give me a life time experience.

5) How many hours a day do you work and hows your daily schedule?

Actually i love my work and there is no fix time to work upon it. Usually i post 2 pictures and a video daily and love to enagage with my followers so that they get right information about the place and food.

6) Is the influencer profession affected your family life? if yes then how?

Yes it had affect my family has now i have to eat different variety of the food for the review and my instagram audience. I usually i have to travel around the city in order to explore new places this affects my family the most as this is the new thing in my life.

7) What motivates you in life?

My bestfriend and my lovable followers who constantly support me and spread love in my posts. This motivate me alot.

8) What are your favorite books or movies related to your niche?

My one of favorite book is "the magic of thinking big" as it helps me to stand above the crowd and it teaches me a new lesson in every chapter.

9) What surprising lessons have you learned while influencing?

That there are many influencers are not telling truth to the audience, which is not right at all. Atleast we should only post good tasty food as if someone trying out your recipe or a place which you suggest must be the best one.

10) Top 3 skills required to become a successful influencer.

• Respect your work, 

• Be discipline and

• Choose the professional you love 

11) Hows your experience with Amar Ajnalkar?

The experience was great, he has take the interview in very nice way and I love to work with him. 

12) Two lines for our reader.

Just follow your dreams for success and please follow me on instagram to know more about me